Blurb – 12 November 2017

We realised that time was flying by when we flipped
over the calendar to November. There are only about 6
weekends until Christmas. We looked on the family “Board” and saw that every weekend was busy with
events, with the family only going to half of
them. Adam has finished school and is swotting for
exams. Howard has planted the summer vegetables. I’ve wrapped the Christmas presents.
It just seems as though we have hardly taken a breath
since 2017 New Year– and here we are planning
What is this all for? Do we really need to cram
everything in before Christmas? Is the flip of the
calendar from 2017-2018 so monumental that the
world is going to end if there are a few days of
statutory holidays? Can it not wait? Do we need all
this stress– most of which is self imposed?
We are pondering on this– particularly after a recent
student Bible study session. We had some quiet
meditation time when the words“Be Still” reverberated
around our lounge. We realised that the scripture says “Be Still and Know that I am God” – but we wonder tooif God is saying to us that we need to rely more on Him
and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28
-30). That maybe so, but do we need to spin out of control before we
remember to put that in practice?
Maybe this will be our mantra for the next couple of
months. To slow down. Remember God is in
control. We can only do the next right thing and have
faith that it aligns with God’s will.

Does this apply to
you too?

The Ettemas.