Blurb – 10th June

God is doing stuff. God is speaking. God enables. We hear His voice and then obey with faith and action.

Sometimes! What if He is asking us to do something and change something that we have tried to do in the past but failed miserably at? How do we react when He asks us to change and there seems to be unmovable resistance on our part?

I’ve had to face that recently. I don’t like failing and yet He was asking me to do something that I’ve been an amazing failure at! If there were gold medals for failure I would have stood resolute on the podium while the National Anthem was played! In the past there have been periods of successful change but not lasting change. It’s been a weighty problem.
Knowing what He is asking of me and yet having to get the inertia and motivation to allow Him and others to walk with me.

See, even though I knew I had to get into the right head space to start, I also had to allow others to walk beside me. I don’t think God ask us to change without providing others to be our cheerleaders! It doesn’t matter if our ‘change area’ is spiritual, physical or relational, He provides others who can walk with us on our journey. We call that community or family or church.

With what I’ve been dealing with God has been gracious. He has allowed others to walk with me and so I’m indebted to Cheryll and Joel, my brother Peter, my good mate Mark, these are the burden carriers of God’s grace to me!

Galatians 6:2. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.
