I’m re-reading a book originally published in 1897 by R. A. Torrey entitled: How to Pray. Here’s a quote worthy of thought.
Kevin Robertson
Many a church that is praying for revival does not really desire revival. They think they do, for in their minds a revival means in increase in membership, an increase of income, an increase of reputation among the churches; but if they knew what a revival meant, what a searching of hearts on the part of professed Christians would be involved, what a radical transformation of individual, domestic and social life would be brought about, and many other things that would come to pass if the Spirit of God was poured out in reality and power; if this was known, the real cry of the church would be: “O God, keep us from having a revival.” But when we do come to a place where we really desire the conversion of our friends at any cost, really desire the outpouring of the Holy Spirit whatever it may involve, God is going to hear.